Saturday, July 4, 2015


Okay, comming back from the trip is always terrible, because we need to get used to everyday life that we left at home. Luckily I already continue my journey in a couple of days, so I have little time for grieving.

In about ten days I'll be traveling to Split, which will be my home away from home for the next month to month and a half. I plan to go around to some other destinations, but more about that in the travel section.

So, it's time for the sea and for a swimsuit.

I'm not here to speak about who is ready to welcome the swimsuits season  and who is not. But I will speak about the history of swimwear, and how they changed over the decades.

So let's start...

Swimwear entered the spotlight in 40's, to be exact in 1946 when the first two-piece swimsuit was shown. He was brought by 19-year old Michelle Bernardini, a dancer from a Paris casino. From that point a real fashion revolution started. Until then models of swimsuits were with a tendency to be less revealing to a woman's body .

First ever worn bikini Michelle Bernardini

But let's go back to the beginnings.

Back in 1890's swimsuits were quite taboo. There was no piece of clothing in the history of fashion, which has caused so much controversy and harsh criticism as well as swimsuits.
It was considered shameful and scandalous, although you have to admit that today we see and less dressed girls on the streets.

1890's swimsuits

As you can see from the picture, the first swimsuits were like dresses and if they revealed too much, you would be arrested.

A few years later, in the early 1900s, the situation changed. Costumes are significantly reduced and that are the costumes that we saw in the first Miss America pageant .

1920's swimsuits

One of the first miss America pageant - swimwear

Shortly after these swimsuits,  bikini revolution started . The first two-piece bathing suit wore Michelle Bernardini, but the the actresses Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe really brought it to life. They walked trough the beach full of confidence and sexiness  in their two-piece suits and smiling from the front pages of the magazine.

Elyzabeth Taylor

Merilyn Monroe

Since then, swimsuits were progressively reducing

By the 70's, swimsuits were more or less the same.

They were wearing the high waisted lower parts. At the beginning they were shallowly cutted, and then deeper and deeper. They were also wearing one-piece swimsuits, with bare backs and shallow cut.
To me they were so sexy in them, don't you think ?

Audrey Hepburn

Merilyn Monroe

Sophia Loren

From 70's swimsuit takes the form of what today we can see at the beaches and swimming pools.

Today swimsuit reveals a lot, and very little is left to the imagination.


Farrah Fostner




What is your favorite era?

Ok, povratak sa putovanja je uvek užasan, jer treba da se naviknemo na svakodnevnicu koju smo ostavili kod kuće. Srećom ja već za par dana nastavljam svoje putovanje, tako da imam malo vremena za tugovanje.

Za nekih deset dana putujem u Split, koji će i biti moj dom narednih mesec do mesec i po dana. Planiram da usput obiđem još neke destinacije, ali o tome više u segmentu putovanja. 

Dakle, vreme je za more i za kupaći kostim. 

Ja se ovde neću baviti time ko je spreman dočekao sezonu kupaćeg kostima, a ko nije. Već ću se osvrnuti na istorijat kupaćih kostima, odnosno na to kako su se oni kroz decenije menjali.

Pa da počnemo...

Kupaći kostimi ulaze u žižu interesovanja u 40tim godinama, tačnije 1946 kada je prvi put obučen jedan dvodelni kupaći kostim. Njega je ponela 19to godišnja Michelline Bernardini, igračica iz jednog pariškog kazina. Tad je usledila prava modna revolucija.ok  Do tada modeli kupaćih kostima bili svedeni uz tendenciju da se žensko telo što manje otkriva. 

Ali vratimo se na početke. Davne 1890 i neke kupaći kostimi su bili itekako tabu. Nije postojao nijedan odevni predmet u istoriji mode koji je izazvao toliko polemike i oštrih kritika kao što je sučaj sa kupaćim kostimima. Smatrao se sramotnim i skandaloznim, iako morate priznati danas vidjamo i oskudnije odevene devojke i po uicama.

Kao što vidite sa slike, prvi kupaći kostimi su bili nalik haljinama i ukoliko su otkrivali previše, bili biste uhapšeni. 

Nekoliko godina kasnije, početkom 1900tih situacija se promenila. Kostimi su se znatno smanjili i to su upravo oni kostimi koje vidimo na prvim izborima za miss. 

Ubrzo nakon ovih kupaćih kostima krenula je bikini revolucija. Prvi dvodelni kupaći je nosila Michelline Bernardini, ali pravu revoluciju su donele glumice Elizabeth Taylor i Merilyn Monroe. One su pune samopouzdanja i seksipila plažom šetale svoje dvodelne kostime i smeškale se sa naslovnih strana magazina.

Od tada kupaći su se progresvno smanjivali. 

Do 70tih, kupaći kostimi su bili manje više isti. Nosili su se donji delovi visokog struka, na početku plitko sečeni, a posle sve dublje i dublje. Nosili su se i jednodelni kupaći kostimi , golih leđa isto plitko sečeni. Po meni one su bile toliko sexy u njima, kako se vama čine?!

Od 70tih kupaći kostimi poprimaju oblik kakav danas možemo da vidimo po plažama i bazenima. Danas kupaći kostimi otkrivaju puno i vrlo malo ostavljaju mašti.

koja je vaša omiljena era ?

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