And here I am, after a beautiful and somewhat chaotic Milan I arrived in Geneva. The first impression is that the city is quiet ... in comparison with Milan it definitely is. :)
In the center of Geneva there is a lake, which is huge and reminds of the sea. The scenery is unreal, you have the lake on one side and on another you see the impressive massive Alps. Breathtaking!!!
The architecture is completely different, and now you have the impression that you walk trough the streets of Paris. You can feel good living standard in the air. People are careless, very kind and on first view - relaxed.
On the first day I visited the center, which cuts the Rhone river - flowing out of the lake. Its color is unreal. Following her, you will reach the lake. As I noted above, it's impressive in size. I read somewhere that its lenght is 100km.
At the beginning of the lake there is probably the most famous tourist attraction Jet d'Eau.
This is actually a pump that shoots water up to 150m in height. You can pass beneath it, which was an interesting experience, because, depending on the wind, you can end up totally wet :)
In the center of Geneva there is a lake, which is huge and reminds of the sea. The scenery is unreal, you have the lake on one side and on another you see the impressive massive Alps. Breathtaking!!!
The architecture is completely different, and now you have the impression that you walk trough the streets of Paris. You can feel good living standard in the air. People are careless, very kind and on first view - relaxed.
On the first day I visited the center, which cuts the Rhone river - flowing out of the lake. Its color is unreal. Following her, you will reach the lake. As I noted above, it's impressive in size. I read somewhere that its lenght is 100km.
At the beginning of the lake there is probably the most famous tourist attraction Jet d'Eau.
This is actually a pump that shoots water up to 150m in height. You can pass beneath it, which was an interesting experience, because, depending on the wind, you can end up totally wet :)
I evo me, nakon prelepog i pomalo haotičnog Milana, stigla sam u Ženevu. Prvi utisak je da je grad miran... u poređenju sa Milanom on to definitivno i jeste. :)
U centru Ženeve nalazi se jezero, koje je ogromno i podseća na more. Krajolik je nestvaran, imate jezero i u nastavku na horizontu vidite impresivne masivne Alpe. Slika koja oduzima dah.
Arhitektura je potpuno drugačija i sada imate utisak kao da šetate nekom od ulica Pariza. Dobar standard se gotovo oseća u vazduhu. Ljudi su bezbrižni, jako ljubazni i bar na prvi pogled - opušteni.
Prvog dana sam obišla centar, koji preseca reka Rhone - koja se izliva iz jezera. Njena boja je nestvarna. Prateći nju, stižete do jezera. Kao što sam gore napomenula, impresivne je veličine. Negde sam pročitala da je dugačko čak 100km.
Na samom početku jezera nalazi se verovatno najpoznatija turistička atrakcija JET D'EAU. To je zapravo pumpa koja izbacuje vodu do 150m u vis. Možete proći ispod nje, što je zanimljivo iskustvo, jer u zavisnoti od vetra možete završiti skroz okupani :)
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