Thursday, October 9, 2014


A few days ago I saw these earrings on the Internet and they totally thrilled me. Lately, I like to wear simple combinations, followed by heavy jewelry. Do you like this style?

Here's how to do this by yourself ...

First of all you need to determine which colors you want to combine. When you're done, you need to find a base for your earring. You are going to attach crystals and tassels on it. I had a lot of trouble finding the same, so I decided to use an old earrings.

So you'll need:

- Old earrings or some kind of metal mesh surface for earrings
- The crystals (shape, color, quantities as desired)
- Tassels (amount as desired)
- glue
- Flat pliers

Design your earring, there is no rule how to do it right, because you're making them to your liking. 

When you come up with the design, start to attach crystals on base. If your crystals are like mine and have holes at the ends, you can attach them to the base also with thin fishing line. This will further ensure the crystals.

When you are finished gluing, you will have to attach tassels. As in the case of crystals, there isn't the wrong way , you'll choose how much tassels there will be, including the color and size they should be. I have chosen, five tassels of different colors on each earring.

Here is an tutorial from the internet that has helped me in the making.


And that's it :) What do you think?!


Pre par dana sam videla ove mindjuse na internetu i potpuno su me oduševile. U poslednje vreme volim da nosim jednostavnije kombinacije, praćene jakim nakitom. Da li i vi volite taj stil?

Ukoliko ste poput mene evo kako sami da napravite ovakve minđuše...

Pre svega morate odrediti koje boje želite da kombinujete. Kada to završite, trebate pronaći bazu za vašu minđušu, na koju ćete lepiti kristale i kačiti kićanke. Ja sam imala dosta problema sa pronalaženjem iste, pa sam rešila da iskoristim stare minđuše.

Dakle, trebaće vam :

- stare minđuše ili neka vrsta metalne mreže, podloga za minđuše
- kristali ( oblik, boja, količina po želji)
- kićanke (količina po želji)
- lepak
- pljosnata klješta

Osmislite dizajn vaših minđuša, nekog pravila nema, pošto ih pravite po vašoj želji.
Kada osmislite dizajn, počnite da lepite kristale po osnovi. Ukoliko vaši kristali kao moji imaju rupice na krajevima, možete ih pričvrstit o podlogu i tankom strunom za pecanje. Tako ćete dodatno osigurati kristale.

Kada završite sa lepljenjem, preostaje vam da zakačite kićanke. Kao i kod kristala, pogrešan način ne postoji, sami birate i koliko će kićanki biti, koje će boje i veličine one biti. Ja sam izabrala, po pet kićanki različitih boja. Evo jednog uputstva sa interneta koje je meni pomoglo u pravljenju.

I to je to :) 

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